In the past few decades we have seen a steady increase in the use of qualitative research in sport and exercise. With this has come a rise in innovative approaches to our research. Many of us believe that this is a healthy trend for our fields. Diversity in research approaches, methodologies, and methods can only enhance our knowledge base and draw more diverse scholars in to our field. Perhaps paradoxically, as we embrace more diverse epistemologies, methodologies, and methods, we also delve further into Pandora’s box, unleashing an array of surreptitious challenges. As Denzin and Lincoln (2005) described, we are in a qualitative moment they termed fractured future (2005-present). And a fractured future is a challenging space to inhabit. However, with every challenge comes an opportunity to broaden our perspectives and open the door to creative avenues in our quest to expand the knowledge base. Therefore, in this chapter, I will discuss some challenges and corresponding future opportunities facing qualitative sport researchers, focusing particularly on the analysis and writing phases of our work.