In recent years, especially following Derrida (2008), Haraway (2008), and Braidotti (2013), a shift toward a more posthuman, postanthropocentric relational theorization of human and nonhuman animals has moved critical scholars and activists to tentatively rethink veganism as the only just position with respect to domesticated farmed animals (Pedersen 2011). These theorists are less focused on the similarities between nonhuman and human capacities, and are more interested in the ways in which we are mutually dependent, interrelated, and experience a shared vulnerability to socio-ecological threats (e.g., globalization and climate change) (Wolfe 2010; Head and Gibson 2012). We animals are more mutually dependent and less hierarchically positioned than Western cultural heritage has led us to believe. Materialist feminists inspire this reconsideration as well, because of their insistence on the inescapability of the ecological human body and its embeddedness within complex economic and biological potentialities and constraints (Alaimo and Hekman 2008).