The satiric film shocks with its naive, young Christian protagonist, Dawn, a girl next door who discovers and comes to grips with her genetic mutation, a powerful vagina dentata. Teeth suggestively builds on an American tradition of associating women with nature, a theme that Annette Kolodny's The Lay of the Land masterfully explores within American culture and he shows how male explorers, settlers, and even flower children imagined America as feminine to satisfy their particular political and personal goals, ranging from the conquest of valuable land to the establishment of fraternal communities on nature's bosom. A viral trailer called Understanding Vagina Dentata was circulated on the web to help generate interest in the subject. Barbara Creed also emphasizes that classical male hero stories about dangerous treks into the underworld contain an erotic dimension. The people who came up with the trailer Understanding Vagina Dentata may have taken some marketing cues from a very successful corporate empire, Starbucks.