This chapter presents several cases to illustrate the use of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and RIM in treatment planning and monitoring. The PCL-R and RIM provide a comprehensive picture of a forensic patient's psychology. A PCL-R assessment of psychopathy helps in assessing treatability. PCL-R high scorers are less likely to benefit from treatment and, when in treatment, are likely to disrupt the milieu and/or terminate prematurely. Information from the PCL-R is useful in formulating diagnoses and highlighting issues in need of treatment. PCL-Rs and initial Rorschachs were administered prior to treatment as a routine part of admissions testing. PCL-Rs were administered and independently scored by two experienced raters, with final item scores being determined by rater consensus. The PCL-R quantifies critical attitudinal and historical data, and the Rorschach ferrets out individual differences and dimensional aspects of personality necessary for formulating treatment interventions.