Anatolian Pop, is a genre that merged sixties beat music with some of the rhythmic and melodic aspects of Turkish folk. He is also one of the best-known film-music composers of Turkish cinema, having composed the music for more than 200 films. His critically-acclaimed film compositions have been released as a series of albums, and retain a place in his concert repertoire. In the 1970s or in the 1990s when Mogollar got back together, rock musicians dominated the opening festivals or spring festivities in universities. The main reasons why Mogollar stood out among the others and maybe the reasons we lasted this long are first our sincerity and second the inclusion of Anatolian tastes and instruments such as the baglama, the bowed tambour and kabak kemane. Kids start listening to music around ten, tastes are developed in the teens. Since there is a constant bombardment, kids can't approach music with an open mind.