This chapter presents a model of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in supporting the PD and teachers curriculum implementation. It reviews the literature about teacher changes and TPD, and the evidence-based developmental model for developing the theoretical framework for TPD. It then introduces the innovative curriculum, namely, Mobilized 5E-Science Curriculum (M5ESC). The chapter highlights the pedagogical principles and ways of integrating it into the standard science curriculum, by articulating the major features of the curriculum. This illuminates why a stage-by-stage and long-term TPD is necessary in the context of science learning. In M5ESC, researchers acted as the mediators among these participants in that they co-designed the lessons, observed the teaching practices, and proposed suggestions for teachers to improve their teaching in and out of TPD activities. The development of TPD is a long-standing category of activity and programs rooted in the school context and teachers needs with different stages depicts the development stages of TPD for M5ESC.