This chapter discusses the growing phenomena of large-scale redevelopments that involve substantial acreage for urban area, multiple buildings, transportation and other infrastructure, millions if not billions of dollars. Such projects are often in large, gateway cities, almost always public-private partnerships with government helping by providing land, infrastructure or financing as well as regulatory approval. Projects that are based upon public facilities, such as new mass transit stations, often become public-private partnerships with contractual commitments in terms of what the developer and the government agencies each must do and in what sequence. Often government financial support, such as loan guarantees, tax increment financing and provision of public facilities are part of such public-private agreements. Financing for megaprojects usually involves both private and public funding. Government support can come in multiple funding streams for infrastructure, land, affordable housing or public amenities and are often not direct, on-balance sheet from governments, but rather Industrial Development Bonds or Tax Increment Financing (TIF).