Kuan-Hsing Chen discusses the effects of colonialism and imperialism. Moreover, he elaborates the complexity and fluidity of the situation: 'subjectivity is the primary focus of his analysis'. He contends that the 'West' has become the sole point of reference and the rest of the world is the 'Other'. Asia as method aims to shift the centre of power through inter-referencing within Asia. Centred on Chen's concepts, this chapter comprises two parts: first, Asia as method of complexity discusses the complexity and fluidity of subjectivity in view of Chen's geo-colonial materialism. Finally, Asia as method of dialogue that explores Chen's concepts of critical syncretism and inter-referencing and applications in education. The author portrays the complexities and dynamics of the local and global, the personal and socio-political, situated in New Zealand and beyond. He adopts Chen's approach of critical syncretism and his concept of inter-reference to explore their implications and applications in education against the complexity of socio-political, economical and cultural entanglements.