This chapter examines the place of civil law in Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence. A quantitative approach would yield the same results, as the amount of space devoted to the distinction between the civil and the penal branches of jurisprudence is insignificant compared to that devoted to the discussion on a law. The chapter study's the ways in which Limits should be read if one wishes to focus on Bentham's discussion on civil law. Civil statements are qualificative or expositive, and penal are imperative or commutative. Terminology to describe his object appears unsettled, because Bentham's reflection on the parts of a law is constantly evolving. Bentham's reflection on the issue of civil law did not manage to capture its object. The constitutional and civil codes do not contain anything else than expository laws, while the criminal code contains punitive and imperative that is mandatory laws and expository laws.