This chapter provides some examples of 15 missteps that junior and tenure-track faculty of color frequently make that can derail their careers. The majority of academic-oriented research demonstrates that female faculty and faculty of color, on average, tend to receive weaker evaluations than other groups. Any competent and attentive department chair will make certain that their junior faculty, regardless of race or gender, will not get overextended with committee work. However, the operative words here are 'competent' and 'attentive'. Faculty of color and all female faculties, for that matter, need to be selective in how much information they share about themselves with others. While some junior faculty is unusually savvy in navigating the often murky and deeply entrenched world of departmental politics, others are not. By adhering to the aforementioned advice, early career academics of color can at least mitigate the extra burdens often accompany faculty who are not white and male on the tenure track and often beyond tenure.