This chapter presents a holistic model of what Human Resource Management (HRM) might look like when Environmental Sustainability (ES) is embedded. It illustrates with a few examples what a view of Green Human Resource Management might look like in practice as well as explain a few potential implications for individuals, organizations, and society/the planet. The chapter focuses on three theories that are influential to HRM as illustrative examples: job design, organizational justice, and engagement. A. M. Grant proposes a relational job design model in which "enriched relational architectures can motivate employees to care about making a positive difference in other people's lives and can affect what they do and who they become". ES is embedded into organizational justice, related theories that impact HRM are influenced, such as social exchange, perceived organizational support, and fairness heuristics. ES can be used to create conditions in which individuals can bring more of their whole selves to work, resulting in greater employee engagement.