This chapter examines the ways in which the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)'s policies are subjected to oversight in ways that reflect the importance of the sustainable development principles of inter-generational equity, public participation, and good governance. The IDB functions as the regional development financing entity for States in the Latin American and Central American Region. The IDB specifically recognizes the dangers of climate change to the region and to each of its Member States and seeks to finance projects that counteract climate change impacts and are geared toward mitigation and adaptation. The foundational and operational concept of the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (ICIM) relies heavily on its ability to function as an independent oversight entity that is able to review the IDB's decision-making process from a third-party perspective. The Environment and Safeguards Compliance Policy (ESCP) was implemented in 2006 as the most recent iteration of the IDB's environmental policy statement.