The case reported in this chapter was conducted as part of an advanced training in Therapeutic Assessment (TA). In this training, we applied what we had learned through previous TA workshops to two live cases in an advanced training under the supervision of Stephen E. Finn, PhD. In learning TA, assessors usually begin with an introductory workshop in which the principles and techniques are introduced and video portions of actual assessments are viewed. Assessors then participate in an intermediate workshop, during which workshop participants engage via video feed in a live assessment conducted by Dr. Finn or another clinician. They are asked to participate in planning an assessment intervention session as well as a summary discussion session. Finally, assessors can participate in an advanced level workshop during which the assessors conduct a TA under the close supervision of Dr. Finn. The clinicians that participated in our training had completed beginning and intermediate workshops and had begun utilizing components of therapeutic collaborative assessment in their everyday work. Another unique aspect of our training was that the clinical team consisted of one supervisor and two assessment clinicians. The role of the supervisor was akin to a “team leader” who participated fully in the assessment process.