Asia is a fast growing region in the global game market. According to a report by the marketing research company Newzoo, Asia will account for 82 percent of the US$6 billion global game revenue growth in 2014 ( Takahashi 2014a ). The same report estimated that as the global game market will grow 8 percent to US$81.5 billion in 2014, Asia will see a faster growth rate and thus increase its global market share from 42 percent to 45 percent (US$36.8 billion). North America is expected to take up 27 percent (US$22.2 billion) of the global market in the same year, while Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) will be 24 percent (US$19.1 billion). “Consuming ‘Asia’” has emerged as a gaming phenomenon and is becoming more and more prevalent both within and outside the region (Hjorth 2011).