India is poised for a massive upturn in economic and social growth. The present level of investment in India for research and development (R&D) in the science and technology (S&T) sector is 0.88 per cent of GDP, of which 74 per cent is contributed by public sector. Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) was established jointly by the Planning Commission of India and India's construction industry in 1996, with the main objective of advising the Government on policy formulation related to the construction industry. Institute of Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG) was established with the objective to promote steel construction in India. Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) was established in 1948, with an objective to carry out R&D in roads and transportation-related areas. The institute provides technical and consulting services to various user organisations in India and other countries. India has always had an acute housing shortage, especially for the poor who can hardly afford the cost of conventional building materials.