The nature of these transformations has received strong confirmation by examining the effects produced when each of the isotopes of mass 6 and 7 is separately bombarded. The α-particles under consideration arise from the nuclear transformation where α is the energy released in the transformation. In the present case, it is seen that the fraction of the bombarding energy appearing in the energy of the observed particles is 3/8. This was assumed to be The proton, observed at right angles to the bombarding beam, carried 5/8 of the bombarding energy, and making the appropriate correction for the straggling of the range, authors find that 5.0 ± 0.05 × 106 e-volts. So far we have dealt with transformations in which two c are expelled in nearly opposite directions. It is found that when changes of mass are taken the law of conservation of energy holds closely for the transformations of the isotopes of lithium.