This chapter describes some experimental evidence of the connection between the deviable and non-deviable rays emitted by the radioactive substances uranium, thorium, and radium. All the radioactive substances emit non-deviable as well as deviable rays, and generally the ionizing action of the non-deviable rays is much greater than that caused by the deviable rays. For uranium and thorium, however, the ionization due to the deviable rays is very small, and a specially sensitive electrometer is required to measure the effects with accuracy. Thorium oxide is much weaker in deviable rays than an equal weight of uranium oxide, although the non-deviable rays are of about the same intensity. A small proportion of the rays emitted by thorium and radium-excited radiation are deviable by a magnetic field. On examination it was found that the ThX emitted both deviable and non-deviable rays, and also a radioactive emanation.