A child's tantrum, is best handled by a calming, soothing, loving attitude rather than by counter-aggression. The most effective educational measures for building up neutralized structure in the child are counter-forces in the parents, which are themselves neutralized. If the parents' behavior toward the child contains primitive, unneutralized, libidinal, and aggressive impulses, the result is not smoothly functioning neutralized structure in the child but structure on the transference side of the psyche. The latter clinical experiences led to new theoretical concepts. Freud observed how one part of the ego often developed in opposition to the other parts of the ego, much as he had assumed originally that the ego developed in opposition to the id. Freud called such conflicts within the ego "intrasystemic conflicts". Originally Freud dealt mainly with infantile sexuality. The latter conflicts often involve narcissistic injuries and resistances, which are reactions to the ego's inability to control part of it.