Librarians need to be the Google experts in their community since it enables librarians to be more competent in educating users. To keep up with the developments of Google the authors reviewed eleven Web sites and blogs and create a strategy for keeping up using these sites. Three are highly recommended for a keeping-up regimen. The authors also suggest that librarians either use search engine alerting services or RSS technology to deliver news feeds into a news aggregator in their keeping-up regimen. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <docdelivery@haworthpress.com> Website: < https://www.HaworthPress.com" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://www.HaworthPress.com > © 2005 by The Haworth Press. Inc. All rights reserved.]