Tribeca, located in downtown New York, has been author home for the last twenty-five years. It is where he raised his daughter Jenna, now thirteen, and where he have practiced both as an occupational and a physical therapist in many business ventures since 1979. One occupational therapy practice, located within a half of a block of the World Trade Center, was owned by a close personal friend, Susan Scanga, MA, OTR, CHT. A physical therapy practice owned by a former classmate of mine was located one block from the World Trade Center. The Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, and the American Society of Hand Therapists both raised funds for Downtown Therapists' Assistance Project (DTAP) during their annual meetings. All in all, therapists, hospitals, private practices and equipment vendors from twenty-eight states contributed in excess of $25,000 in money and equipment, with 100" of the proceeds going directly to the therapists in need.