Jennifer Wright woke up as usual, making her way sleepy-eyed to her computer, which sat in her living room. The sun had not yet peeked over the eastern horizon, which she could see out of her wonderful big window. She opened her first e-mail that morning to a puzzling message from a friend, Arlis, entitled 'Terrible Thing'. She quickly turned on the television and heard the American Broadcasting Company news being broadcast with American accents. By this time, she realized this was not the act of a disgruntled American. This was a terrorist attack, as the week wore on; she continued to communicate with friends via e-mail. Arrived home on the 20th of September. She never forgets the American flags at an empty Los Angeles International Airport. She was overwhelmed by the patriotism: flags on cars, T-shirts and lapel pins. She wanted to absorb as much as she could to New Zealand, her adopted home.