Andrew Samuels has been one of the most prolific and creative Jungian analysts of his generation or for that matter of any generation of analysts. Over the past more than 30 years he has been writing, lecturing, editing, and promoting new ideas on analytical psychology around the world. One of his many areas of interest has been the role of the father in contemporary times. Andrew began his professional interests in the ‘father’ in order to balance the over-emphasis on the mother-child relationship. His interests have shifted from the personal father relationship to the issue of male authority and to the collective authority of the father as seen in politics. Andrew has been passionately interested in sexuality, gender and how these patterns are expressed in both men and women. I am pleased to present this greatly revised lecture given at the Institute for Humanities in Salado, Texas, in 2001, to honor Andrew as a great friend and colleague on the occasion of his 60th birthday.