This chapter discusses primarily be concerned with elucidating the existence of certain psychic processes that are covered over most of the time by the transference-countertransference dynamic. The orientation of the author's research into the notion of homosexual investment may be compared with the attitude Freud recommended to analysts in a footnote of 1925 in relation to the dream. They seek to find the essence of dreams in their latent content and in so doing they overlook the distinction between the latent dreamthoughts and the dream-work. The latent content of Florian's dream calls for some reflection. The formal regression of the analyst's thought, his work as a double, allows him to discern, beyond what is manifest, more than a content, thought or unconscious phantasy, something in the order of a traumatic element, a rupture, in the analysand's representational order. The 'living corpse' was not the translation by the analyst of a murderous unconscious wish of Florian stemming from his infantile neurosis.