Joyce McDougall is a full member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and a member of the New York Freudian Society. Very much the cosmopolitan, she learned a lot from the various conflicts that arose within the British and French psychoanalytical Societies, but remained aloof from any dogmatic standpoint. She has written mainly on psychosomatic disorders, perversion and the neo-sexualities. The author was once invited to take part in a psychoanalytic colloquium on the following theme: 'Pathological and Pathogenic Aspects of Normality' a provocative title raising an important question, if only for the fact that the participants were stimulated to assess the concept of normality. She must also admit in respect to 'normal' people that they are the pillars of society and that without them the social structure would be in imminent peril. The normal man will never overthrow the Monarchy and he will willingly die for the Republic.