Francis Pasche, 1910-1996, trained in psychiatry and in philosophy; he was a full member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society and president of the Society from 1960 to 1964. He is best known for his original and significant contributions to the clinical manifestations of psychosis and depression. He introduced the concept of anti-narcissism, a centrifugal cathexis in which the individual tends to relinquish his or her self, in contrast with the centripetal cathexis that is typical of narcissism. Freud indicates to us, and we will return to this, that this shield is made of dead matter like the metal of Perseus's shield. Reality is therefore not foreclosed but incorporated, and, since it is manifested as an intention, the subject makes this intention his own. Reality is discovered in pairs; narcissism can no longer apprehend it as anything but the agent of its destruction.