Increased focus on meeting user needs prompted by tight library budgets and competition from Internet sources makes knowing those needs and finding new ways to meet them more urgent than ever. Two user-focused projects are described: development of an access level record for serials, and revision of the ISSN standard (ISO 3297). The access level record working group identified those data elements of highest value for meeting FRBR user tasks, sought input from catalogers about record simplifications, and tested the new element set and cataloging guidelines via pilot projects. Revision of the ISSN standard involved 238gathering a working group from diverse ISSN user communities, developing a new mechanism–the linking ISSN (ISSN-L)-to meet ISSN users’ needs for both manifestation-level (product-level) and title- level identification for continuing resources, and planning for new ISSN look-up and distribution services from the ISSN International Centre. doi:10.1300/J123v52n01_19 [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <docdelivery@haworthpress.com> Website: <https://www.HaworthPress.com>]