In 1989 my then scientific autobiography (Luce, 1989) concluded: “At that point [early 1988] I did take early retirement from Harvard, but the next five to ten years promise not to be idle.” These few pages take up the ensuing seven years, which indeed have not been idle. (Perhaps the problem is that I’ve never taken up golf.) For example, 32 papers have appeared in journals and book chapters, half a dozen are in various pre-publication stages, and three books have appeared: the much belated volumes II and III of the Foundations of Measurement (Luce, Krantz, Suppes, & Tversky, 1990; Suppes, Krantz, Luce, & Tversky, 1989) and a textbook, based on the core course given at Harvard and repeated several times at UCI, Sound & Hearing (Luce, 1993). Although favorably reviewed, it has not spawned the courses I had hoped it might.