In this chapter, the authors present a more-than-a-little disconcerting story to tell about a young woman called Rhonda and a theme of terror in disguise. It is the terror that works the mischief in her life and it is a malevolent force extending out to her would-be helpers in insidious, veiled ways spreading, instead of mitigating, her confusion about herself. It is the terror that demands the unrelenting internal attention that inhibits her in getting on with her life. As the authors listened to Rhonda's account of her relationship with this therapist, concluded that Rhonda and the therapist had colluded to act out the original incest on a symbolic basis. They began to direct the therapy toward helping the patient step outside the system of her previous therapist/previous lover/previous lover's previous therapist to help her see the parallels between her acting out and her early trauma with her father.