Psychology developed in the late 19th century attempting to emulate the success of the natural sciences. W. Wundt is considered as the founding father of modern psychology. He was instrumental in establishing the experimental method in psychology. A. Bandura identifies self-efficacy as an important agentic factor that links environment and behavior. He has found that successful performance or attainment can increase self-efficacy, which can in turn motivate the individual to seek a more challenging goal. Culture is an emergent property of individuals interacting with and managing their environment. Culture represents the collective utilization of natural and human resources to achieve desired outcomes. In the West, the liberal tradition focuses on a rational individual’s rights to freely choose, define and search for self-fulfillment. The content of self-fulfillment depends on the goals that individuals freely choose. The nature of the goal can vary from one individual to another and can range from hedonistic self-fulfillment to altruism.