Anaerobic digestion (AD) of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) offers the advantage of both a net energy gain by producing methane as well as the production of a fertilizer from the residuals. The existing 20 centralized biogas plants are the first option for the AD treatment of OFMSW in co-digestion with manure. OFMSW used in this investigation came from the municipality of Grindsted where OFMSW is source-sorted in the households in paper bags and co-digested together with sewage sludge at the municipal wastewater plant. The overall process performance of reactor R1 and R2 in phases can be summarized as follows: anaerobic treatment of OFMSW showed stable performance in a thermophilic wet digestion treatment system both when co-digested with manure in a ratio of 50 per cent and as sole substrate with recirculation of the effluent.