Ethanol is produced through the fermentation of agricultural products such as sugarcane, corn (maize), wheat, sugar beet and cassava, among others. The great majority of ethanol produced in the world is from sugarcane, mainly in Brazil, and corn in the United States. To evaluate the merits of replacing gasoline with ethanol, an analysis of energy balance and greenhouse gas avoided emissions has to be performed using life-cycle analysis. Different feedstocks for ethanol production must also be compared in such terms, as well as their land-use efficiency. The aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzene), which are particularly harmful, were also eliminated and the sulphur content was reduced as well. In pure ethanol cars, sulphur emissions were eliminated. The aromatic hydrocarbons (such as benzene), which are particularly harmful, were also eliminated and the sulphur content was reduced as well. In pure ethanol cars, sulphur emissions were eliminated.