This chapter discusses the taskforce recommendations and to reflect on the inability of the taskforce to influence national entrepreneurship policy. It provides an overview of Canadian entrepreneurial activity, including secondary analysis of Statistics Canada data. Canadian policies are compared to the United States, the country ranked first among 120 economies for entrepreneurial gender equity. Country-level data are important given that scholars, who have examined entrepreneurial engagement and institutional contexts, suggest policymakers employ targeted approaches to stimulate and sustain new business activity. In 2013, 'total early stage entrepreneurship activity' (TEA) in Canada was second to the US and leads all other 'innovation-driven' economies. Self-employment continues to increase among both males and females, with the rate of increase among females exceeding that of males. In Canada, entrepreneurship policies are delivered through a wide array of business programs, training centers, loans, websites, portals, webinars, incubators, sector associations, training materials, newsletters, and other resources.