This chapter explains the enhanced stress of organizational life for those from outsider groups, it would seem that some degree of resilience would be helpful. The Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) field has been investigating resilience as a key construct that affects individual well-being in organizations. Acceptance of failure is critical for new knowledge creation, which seems especially important in a global, increasingly competitive, economy. The Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) field has catalogued the many barriers facing minorities in organizations. By examining resilience with a D&I lens-that is, its development among marginalized groups should be able to enrich both disciplines' fields of inquiry and make positive change in organizations. More generally, resilience can be conceptualized as the capacity for adaptability, positive functioning, or enhanced proficiency following stressful events. Researchers of resilience also note that it can be enhanced by mastery experiences. Such mastery experiences are more likely to occur when individuals have the ability to make and recover from mistakes.