This chapter focuses on 'positive weird' to understand how to create better organizations and communities that bring out the best in both marginal and dominant members. At the core of all Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) work is a focus on the marginalized. But in practice, the primary focus of D&I is to bring those on the margin more to the center. Team-mates may have that 'if only' reaction because the weird person continues to impede progress, diminish productivity, and contribute to a climate that destroys, rather than creates, value. This type of weirdness is problematic and must be assessed and dealt with. But too often, this destructive weird is confused with productive, generative, and life-affirming weird. Sturm and Guinier argue that marginal people can potentially help reframe the status quo in ways, which create more powerful and positive lives for everyone. The challenge for organization leaders is to figure out how to support weird people so that they create value.