This chapter conceptualizes identities as structured with multiple self-aspects comprising separate facets in a constellation of identities. It demonstrates how multiple identities become simultaneously salient in everyday encounters and that there is generative potential therein. It emphasizes identity dimensions experienced simultaneously, and in which the constellation of identities comprises a combination of advantaged and disadvantaged identities. The chapter presents exemplars to demonstrate how intersectional identity salience can lead to enhanced self-insight and subsequent identity reconfiguration and augmentation. The exchanges prompted learning by raising self-awareness, triggering self-questioning, and offering self-insight into previously unactivated identity facets. Intersectional identity salience presented them with the opportunity to pull apart, reconfigure, and even strengthen the whole, of which constituted ethnic, gender, and professional/leader facets. Finally, the case examples may also encourage individuals to identify or create identity-enhancing environments, based on perceived alignment between their sociodemographic context and intersectional identities.