This chapter considers how youth use literacy practices to organize the space-times of their individual and social lives. It also considers how digital literacies may be used to produce such traversals. The chapter explains case studies of Richa and Mia. It investigates how two youth use digital literacies to alter, extend, transform, and manipulate the space-times of their lives. Mia's embodied rhythms, her Web log and its individual texts, her online social network, and her laptop itself function as elements of traversal, all function in the production of space-time. At the same time, Richa's case makes evident, first, how embodied schooled practices can also traverse social situations, and, second, how a range of practices of bounding and segmenting space-time might immobilize new technologies and other potential elements of traversal. These intersystem relationships are already present in the practices and bodies of youth such as Mia and Richa-emergent traversals vibrating across the paradoxical construction of wireless schooling.