This chapter reviews the main aspects of critical management thought on a country-by-country basis. It discusses the basic findings and provides some reflections about the prospects for the development of Critical Management Studies (CMS) in the countries analysed. Argentina has a long tradition of critical thinking in management and organizations studies (MOS), which dates back to the pioneering works of Alfredo Palacios and Jose Angel Gilli. Regarding critical perspectives to MOS, Brazilian social scientists have had an important role. In this regard, three academic pioneers should be especially mentioned: Mauricio Tragtenberg, Fernando Prestes Motta, and Alberto Guerreiro Ramos. The Chilean government has strongly promoted scientific activities, which can be observed in the growth in the number of articles in international scientific databases. In Argentina and Venezuela, the few critical works in MOS are mostly linked to concerns domestic issues, being empirically driven, and mainly developed by social scientists outside business schools and Faculties of Economics.