This chapter prefers the name Orang Rimba to provide a neutral view of a traditional community with deep knowledge of the forest, and to give them equal status with other ethnic groups. Benuaron are parts of the forest that are overgrown by trees producing edible fruit. In addition to the benuaron, trees that produce edible fruit grow extensively in the forests of the Bukit Dua Belas National Park. Unlike benuaron, in which the fruit trees belong to the person who earlier cultivated the swidden, fruit trees in the forest are common property and everyone has access to them. As well as taking fruit from plants and trees growing wild in the forest, they now have the mature fruit orchards called benuaron, which are a development of swidden farming. Benuaron are not only important for the life of the Orang Rimba, but are also essential for conserving the Bukit Dua Belas National Park, which is their home.