In-depth spiritual assessments usually occur after a relationship has been established with the client and it is evident that the social worker and agency are a good fit for the client needs. Spiritual assessments can take a variety of forms in agency settings depending upon the purpose of the agency and the needs of the clients. Implicit and explicit assessments are possibilities. Spiritual pain and distress may be easy to identify as symptoms through observations and the client's comments, but the challenge may be to determine how much it is viewed as a deeper spiritual phenomenon or primarily a psychological one. Religious groups are or could be a central part of the social supports of some of our clients. Negative social attitudes about homosexuality cause a variety of harmful and painful consequences for people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual (LGBT) including fears resulting from being told they are going to hell, depression, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and suicide.