This chapter focuses on investigating which identity issues are involved in putting skills into practices in a foreign land, when cultural workers move across borders. Professional identity as a process of forming motive and goal is very subjective, up to each worker's own definition because there is no standard to measure success. The case of Satoru Aoyama and Kei Takemura mentioned in the opening quote illustrates the unique interest of identity issues pertinent to cultural workers. Cultural workers are a new type of Taiwanese migrants working in China. Huang (2006) argues that Taiwanese migrants in Shanghai have participated in a discursive identity to give rise to a so-called 'New Shanghai People'. Although Mr. Yang did not continue to work in Shanghai, rather, as a returnee to Taipei, he established a small shop selling environmentally friendly design products. C. Y. Lee continues to build an architectural treatise for modern Chinese architectural design in various cities of China.