In January 1994 we undertook a drama project with a group of joyriders from West Belfast, having participated in a Social Action Groupwork course the previous summer. Given our prior knowledge of the Turas participant group we anticipated that the drama group might identify key issues of relevance and importance to their own lives, for example dealing with authority (police, paramilitaries, church, etc.), unemployment, joyriding, alcohol, drugs and women. Our initial title, ‘Making the Law – Breaking the Law’ was, we thought, wide enough to encapsulate whatever themes, issues and problems the potential group of young people might contribute. The project was designed to provide a practical introduction to theatre skills through groupwork and to build confidence and self-esteem by gradual stages towards presentation through dialogue. The six-month project developed into ‘Oliver Twisted’ and culminated in a video, based on the modern version of the Dickens story, through which the young people tell their own story.