This study determined whether perceived financial adequacy, satisfaction with level of living, and perceived economic well-being following divorce were related to interfamily grants received by divorcees. Responses from 136 divorced individuals were analyzed using logistic regression, chi square analysis, and Spearman rank correlation.

Divorcees with physical custody of children and/or lower incomes perceived their finances to be inadequate more often than divorcees without children in the home and/or higher incomes. Perceived economic well-being was significantly related to the number of years divorced. Younger divorcees received more interfamily grants than older divorcees. Babysitting was the service most frequently received and most often, monthly. Clothes were more frequently 24received than any other type of goods. Individuals who scored higher on satisfaction with level of living received less assistance than those who scored lower on satisfaction with level of living. Females received significantly more goods and money than males received.