This chapter assumes the important characteristics of Konorski's specific approach are less obvious than others, and those certain of these warrant current consideration in relationship to recent data and theorizing. The text that Konorski explicitly devoted to "the problem of habituation" is in the context of discussion of the formation of gnostic units. The chapter relates the phenomena involved to Konorski's treatment of habituation, one might be left with the impression that the priming of short-term memory (STM) consistently leads to a decrement in measures of stimulus processing. It distinguishes between associatively generated priming and self-generated priming. To distinguish between instances in which preexcitation of representation in the memory system can be attributed to the influence of previously associated stimuli versus instances in which the preexcitation can be attributed to recent exposure to the corresponding stimulus itself. In emphasizing associative and transient influences on habituation phenomena, the chapter says little of substance about that process that Konorski emphasized.