I would like to preface my discussion with expressing why I believe we came to this conference. I think we came to find answers to two questions: “What is psychotherapy?” And, “How do you do it?” There is a possible third question that was frequently addressed when I was in my training. I really didn’t concern myself too much with it, but I had to acknowledge it; that question was, “Who needs psychotherapy?” There would be long discussions about this person who needs it and that person who doesn’t or this person who is a good candidate and that person who is not. At that time, I had a great teacher, Dr. G. L. Harrington, who settled the question for me by saying the answer is, “Anyone who is in your office.” He said that although there are probably a lot of other people who need it, anyone who comes to your office certainly does. He advised, “Don’t worry about whether or not they are good or bad candidates, just try to help them.”