In the realm between here and there, becoming and arrived, there exists a land of discovery. Between realms, light shines through interspaces and enlightens relationships not before perceived, which later become consolidated into spontaneous understandings. These are the feelings of an apprentice, who stands on ground still unsteady and surveys myriad horizons, waiting to see what will settle in and take hold as part of new realities. The supervisory relationship stands at the nexus point of this emergent structure. It leads from past therapeutic contacts to anticipated future mastery. To the supervisee, the supervisor is both an immediate presence and a representative of shared wisdom of the profession. Through him/her new bonds are established to the literature, which embody diverse perspectives, while providing sustaining support and guidance to the novice. In thinking back on my experience in receiving and giving supervision, three phases can be defined. Each phase can be identified within a single supervisory relationship and across supervisory experiences referring to the stages within one individual's professional growth. The three phases will be described below and comprise the content of this paper.