Control of bleeding with hypnotic suggestions, even in hemophiliacs, has been well documented (Dubin & Shapiro, 1974; Lucas, Carroll et al., 1962; Lucas, Finkelmann & Tocantins, 1962; Thompson, 1969; Kroger & DeLee, 1957; August, 1965; Clawson & Swade, 1975). Medical hypnosis has been applied to neuroangiographic procedures, mostly for the control of pain and anxiety (Bank & Kerber, 1979; Bank & Newfield, 1981). During a 22-month period we have used hypnotic suggestions to control the occasional oozing of blood which occurs around the angiographic catheter during the procedure and at the puncture site following catheter removal. We recently used similar suggestions in the angiographic suite on a patient with an acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage with apparent success. Our experience with hypnosis for the control of bleeding will be discussed with quotation of typical suggestions used, stressing their brevity.