ACCESS is the case management unit of the Monroe County Long Term Care Program, Inc. in Rochester, New York. MCLTCP, Inc. began in 1975 as a Section 1115, Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) demonstration project to develop a community-wide population-based model for the organization, delivery and financing of long term care for the adult disabled and aged. While designing a system that would be more cost effective and of better quality than the existing system, ACCESS set out to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of a freestanding community-based organization for planning and managing long term-care. ACCESS (Assessment for Community Care Services) is the model that evolved. ACCESS began operating in late 1977 and has been serving the needs of the chronically ill and elderly for over five years. Through the program, increasing numbers of people have received Medicare and Medicaid-reimbursed home care services and nursing home care instead of more cosdy and inappropriate hospital care.