This chapter reviews changes in gender-role attitudes and behaviors over the past 20 years. Its main source of trend information is the DDB Needham Life Style Study, an annual mail panel survey that has been conducted every year since 1975. The sample of 2,000 male and 2,000 female heads-of-household is matched to the US population on age, income, and area of residence. These changes have, in turn, affected attitudes and opinions about roles at home. Response rates have varied slightly from year to year, but have averaged around 80". Many of the significant gender role changes have taken place in the work-place. The Life Style questionnaire contains more than 500 questions covering diverse activities, interests, attitudes and opinions, many of which pertain to gender roles. This chapter provides the data from the US Census and from other sources such as the Harris Poll and Mediamark Research also are provided as important cross-checks and to help fill in details.