I realize zat much has chanched in psychology, und in American society, since I left zis vorld in 1943. But my son, even if his facial hair is ze reverse of my own (vy ze funny-looking partial beart? Vy not a proper valrus moustache?), my son tells me zat if anyone is to take Gestalt ideas seriously today, zen zey must be restated in vords zat people today can understant. Chargon chanches. So now I vould, srough ze somevat imperfect understanding zat my son has bos of classical Gestalt seory proper und especially of modern cognitive psychology, like to share vis you my perspective on vat role Gestalt ideas have played, do play, und should play in vat is now called cognitive psychology. I vill try to say somesing about modern cognitive psychology, somesing about vat ze Gestalt problem is, und somesing about how ze two may or may not fit togezer. To try to make the presentation appropriate to today, I will make an effort to avoid sexist usage in my talk, and will also try to use a modern American accent, rather than my mode of speech long ago.