The main content of this chapter takes the form of a lecture that Titchener might have given and says nothing about Titchener as a person. A few introductory observations on the character of the man seem necessary, however, because the Titchener that most psychologists “know” is a caricature. The real person has been lost among the stories that surround his memory. These stories present Titchener as a chronic cigar smoker and a sexist. They have him lecturing in his Oxford robes, expressing a dogmatic certainty about the truths of psychology, and patronizing colleagues and students who failed to understand him. As with all such stories, these contain a grain of truth but there is more exaggerataion. My forthcoming biography, E. B. Titchener: The Structured Mind, attempts to get behind these fictions. In these few paragraphs available to me here, I can only offer a glimpse of what the man was really like.